Frangokastello and its surroundings are ideal for the individual holidaymaker that is looking for quietness in every aspect.
Actually Frangokastello consists of only a long, partly sandy beach with some taverns and a few apartment complexes.
The only historical point of interest is the Kastello; the best conserved Venetian Castle of Crete from the late 14th century.
The coastline of Frangokastello offers many small bays, in which the sea slowly deepens and where you can really relax in the Libyan Sea, the cleanest and warmest sea of Europe.

“If you like snorkeling, you can fully enjoy the underwater world here.”

When you don’t have a problem with being secluded, Frangokastello and her surroundings, is the place for you. In summer there is always some wind, sometimes rather strong, but this wind also takes care of some cooling down.